sequentialdesign's Blog

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2nd: thou/thee/thy 3rd: ou/oum/os ¡elle!
4 months ago
replay of my lem stream on "fixing" isearch (cuz I use stenotypy). ...more
#lem #lisp #emacs

4 months ago
going live in a few minutes with lem ("fixing" isearch) https: ...more
#lem #emacs

4 months ago
replay of my emacs stream about setting up multiple cursors and iedit (it was quite the disaster) https: ...more

4 months ago
going live in a few minutes with gnu emacs (multiple cursors and iedit set-up) https: ...more

4 months ago
going live in a bit to play some blitz chess https: ...more

5 months ago
get a divorce emacs ...more
reddit post entitled "My husband has become a vim peasant - please advise"

5 months ago
I literally always get sucked into these "emacs keybinds are stupid" debates (for the record, emacs keybinds are the BEST, and I say that as a professional editor) if our community didn't have such stupid opinions about the vanilla emacs keybinds, then I wouldn't have to waste my time and energy always getting into them I'm going to have to start making a vim golf series where I smash vim at vim golf and do it with homerow mods in emacs, aren't I ? ...more

5 months ago
replay of my lem stream, initial setup (keybinds, aesthetics, and conveniences) https: ...more
#lem #lisp #emacs

5 months ago
going live in a bit with lem, initial setup (some basic stuff with keybinds, aesthetics, and conveniences) https: ...more
the text "press heart to start" is shown on the left, with the heart being an emoji and the logo of lem on the left
#lem #lisp #emacs

5 months ago
replay of my last gnu emacs stream about which-key and avy (very powerful packages) https: ...more

5 months ago
going live in bit on gnu emacs (which-key and avy) https: ...more

5 months ago
going live in a bit to play some blitz chess https: ...more

5 months ago
I fucking hate macos ...more

5 months ago
lem is fucking strong ...more

6 months ago
when I switched to a new OS a few months ago, I forgot to save my lem init. ...more
in the lem editor.  there are line numbers and some basic command for navigating like next logical line.

6 months ago
what it feels like watching Alireza play in this year's candidates chess ...more
the "this is fine" meme with the caption "Alireza Firouzja at the candidates" at the top in the left panel

6 months ago
youtube replay of my stream on theming emacs now up https: ...more

6 months ago
going live in a bit https: ...more
a screen of emacs is shown.  the right side is a a dark theme and the left side is a light theme

6 months ago
I posted a video of my chess stream https: ...more

6 months ago
going live in a bit to play some blitz chess https: ...more
#chess #lichess

6 months ago
emacs initial setup on youtube (change some keybinds and add line numbers) https: ...more

6 months ago
I'm streaming now on twitch https: ...more

7 months ago
my linux experiment failed. ...more

9 months ago
initial thoughts on guix : ...more

9 months ago
bro, guix installed an old version of emacs, and that is just not fun. ...more

9 months ago
I'm in ! ...more
a login screen is shown with the word Guix at the bottom of the top screen (there are two screens, one on top of the other)

9 months ago
I spoke too soon ! ...more

9 months ago
I'm sad. ...more

9 months ago
buscando algo tangible… creo que lo he encontrado ...more
muchos logos coloridos , la mayoría diciendo emacs, llenan una pantalla dos variaciones de Lisp EMacs aparecen.  una tiene todas las letras coloridas, y la otra tiene las últimas letras (isp de Lisp y acs de Emacs) translucientes

10 months ago
Just reminding people that homerow mods exist. ...more
a diagram of a keyboard is shown with homerow mods and the logo of Kanata in the left corner.  there are six mods in total : Shift, Control, Meta, Alt, Hyper, and Super

10 months ago
I made it to Sacha's Emacs newsletter. ...more
a list of email search results for the word sacha.  all the emails from Sacha Chua are read. the top of the page says 1 to 50 of many

10 months ago
subí mi charla de EmacsConf en mi nuevo canal de YouTube. ...more

10 months ago
I put my EmacsConf talk up on YouTube. ...more

a year ago
tal como me gusta, con la línea del punto en 0 ...more
código de lisp en el editor lem; las líneas están marcadas con números relativos con la línea del punto en cero (0).

a year ago
lem ;; fixes isearch-prev-highlight (lem: ...more

a year ago
lem (define-command seq/kill-whole-line () () "Kill the entire line" (with-point ((start (line-start (current-point))) (end (progn (line-end (current-point)) (forward-char) (current-point)))) (kill-region start end))) (lem: ...more

a year ago
CORFU ! ...more

a year ago
Holy mac. ...more

a year ago
oh no, RMS has cancer "My prognosis is good. ...more

a year ago
funny ...more
on the emacs subreddit in a tips and tricks thread, two users have an interaction:

one writes, It is the only thing that keeps me sane in a Windows shop.

the second one writes, What is?

and the first replies, Emacs

a year ago
Deleted my reddit account. ...more
Reddit asking me if I'm sure that I want to delete my account. I was.

a year ago
RMS is not a coward who hides. ...more

a year ago
Gotta love a good "Scheme is not a lisp" holy war. ...more
a user by the name of SequentialDesign says, "scheme is 100% a lisp
that's why it has a channel under Lisp Programming"

And another by the name of hexaGone says, "As I have said before, scheme is a closure processor, not a list processor. So not a lisp.
Scheme = CLOP"

All in all, a big waste of time

a year ago
(lem: ...more

a year ago
Theme: ...more
Screenshot of my Emacs set-up. It is colorful. It's a dark theme that has some purple, pink, and blue.

a year ago
OMG. ...more

2 years ago
(last random-list) ;; ([last atom in random-list]) ...more

2 years ago
Today I'm thankful for Richard Matthew Stallman The '80s and '90s were brutal; companies fell like flies. ...more
A young Richard Matthew Stallman is shown. He has long hair and a trimmed bread, smooth skin, and is looking away from the camera, perhaps addressing someone. A screenshot of GNU Emacs is shown. It is the splash screen when Emacs starts with a medium-contrast dark theme. The top third features a large text that reads "GNU Emacs". Just below it is a series of colorful bars. To the bottom right of these colorful bars but still in the upper half of the screen is a text the reads, "Lisp Machine". It's not nearly as big as the "GNU Emacs" heading.

2 years ago
Enjoy the World Cup, everyone! ...more

2 years ago
I hope emacs. ...more