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Gotta love a good “Scheme is not a lisp” holy war.

Just give me parens, and I’m happy.

a user by the name of SequentialDesign says, "scheme is 100% a lisp
that's why it has a channel under Lisp Programming"

And another by the name of hexaGone says, "As I have said before, scheme is a closure processor, not a list processor. So not a lisp.
Scheme = CLOP"

All in all, a big waste of time
a user by the name of SequentialDesign says, "scheme is 100% a lisp that's why it has a channel under Lisp Programming" And another by the name of hexaGone says, "As I have said before, scheme is a closure processor, not a list processor. So not a lisp. Scheme = CLOP" All in all, a big waste of time
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