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Today I’m thankful for Richard Matthew Stallman

The ‘80s and ‘90s were brutal; companies fell like flies. Multics, Lisp Machines Inc, WordStar, Atari, Lotus, VisiCorp, Osborne Computer Corporation, IBM, and many others fell from grace or simply died. Even the great Apple came face to face with death

The decisions RMS took during this period were nothing short of genius. It’s because of him that our beloved Emacs survived, that the Lisp machine still lives on in some form. Thank you, old boy

A young Richard Matthew Stallman is shown. He has long hair and a trimmed bread, smooth skin, and is looking away from the camera, perhaps addressing someone.
A young Richard Matthew Stallman is shown. He has long hair and a trimmed bread, smooth skin, and is looking away from the camera, perhaps addressing someone.
A screenshot of GNU Emacs is shown. It is the splash screen when Emacs starts with a medium-contrast dark theme. The top third features a large text that reads "GNU Emacs". Just below it is a series of colorful bars. To the bottom right of these colorful bars but still in the upper half of the screen is a text the reads, "Lisp Machine". It's not nearly as big as the "GNU Emacs" heading.
A screenshot of GNU Emacs is shown. It is the splash screen when Emacs starts with a medium-contrast dark theme. The top third features a large text that reads "GNU Emacs". Just below it is a series of colorful bars. To the bottom right of these colorful bars but still in the upper half of the screen is a text the reads, "Lisp Machine". It's not nearly as big as the "GNU Emacs" heading.
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